Our purpose is to share the gospel, to equip the saints
and to serve others.
"Grace is the Place" is a defining vision for the life and mission of Grace Presbyterian Church as we seek to glorify and enjoy God together. We seek a new openness to God's activity in the world and obedience to Christ, and we believe Grace is a place where you can fine opportunities to be involved. As someone once said: There is room in this Inn!
Grace is the place where...the Word is faithfully proclaimed through sermon and song, prayer and personal witness. The Ministers search the scriptures in their original languages to prayerfully discern, the Spirit's help, what the Bible REALLY says and what it can mean for us in these times. Our dedicated music team inspires God's people in worship. Leaders offer prayers for pastor, church, nation and world. Our worship style might be described as "blended - a mix of contemporary and traditional, something for all ages! Worship is at 10:30am.
Grace is the place where... you will be equipped to share and serve through education and Bible study for all ages. We offer Sunday school at 9am. We have a youth director working to help youth and young adults mature in faith and grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. Our commitment to children is expressed through out highly respected and accredited Preschool. The pastor and elders work together to offer hands-on ministry opportunities in service to God. Women's and Men's groups meet regularly, while on Wednesday Nights during the school year we have dinner and fellowship and a Bible Study for all ages.
Grace is the place where...we serve others. Grace has a good reputation in the community for our commitment to service. The Grace Cares Ministry offers food and financial utility assistance weekly. Grace is networked with other organizations to offer optimal assistance to those in need. We support Humble House, the women's recovery program and woman's shelter. We support Operation Christmas Child and give Thanksgiving Baskets every year. We also support two Presbyterian missionaries in South Sudan.
Come experience Grace with us!