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WelcomeTo Grace

Where everyone is welcome, no one is perfect, and anything is possible!

We are delighted that you have taken the time to visit our website and hope that you find the information here helpful.


Upon visiting Grace Presbyterian Church, you will find that we are a friendly congregation that is moving into the future with excitement and joy.  We hope that you will come and visit our church, finding that the children are loved, the youth are growing in their faith, and the adults are welcoming with open arms.  Between Sunday school, worship, Wednesday night Bible study, and youth and children's activities, this church is an amazing place to love and serve a great and awesome God.


If you are looking for a place where you can be involved in serving the community, growing your faith, and celebrating in fellowship with a wonderful group of people, then look no further.  There are daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly activities and worship services taking place at Grace.  From weekly Grace Cares (food for the hungry), to monthly Men's and Women's gatherings, to yearly community events like the Souper Bowl of Caring (collecting donations for the hungry) - there is always a chance for people to be involved.


And if you are nervous about trying somewhere new, remember our motto, "Grace is the place where everyone is welcome, no one is perfect, and anything is possible."


So consider yourself invited to come celebrate the risen Lord with us on Sunday mornings (9am for Sunday School and 10:30am for worship) and see how the Holy Spirit is alive and moving in this place as well as your own heart!  We look forward to worshiping with you soon.


Blessings in Peace,

Rev. Eric Spoon


Our purpose is to share the gospel, to equip the saints, and to serve others.




1415 Airport Road

Panama City, FL 32405


Monday-Thursday   8:00am-5:00pm

Friday 8:00am-12:00pm

Closed 12:00pm-1:00pm

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